Do you upload a photo to Instagram and up to the minute have hundreds of…
Tag: Social Networks

The Responsibility To Be An Influencer
Most of us use social networks. And a large majority publishes where they are in…

Why Being Popular On Social Media Isn’t The Same As Being An ‘Influencer’?
Felipe RiaƱo Jaramillo, an expert in behavioral science, explains the difference.

Influencers And Instagram Stories, The Perfect Marriage?
Instagram Stories have turned the social network into the right eye of brands and influencers…

Email Marketing: How Psychology Can Help Us Improve Results In Our Social Networks (Part II)
In the previous post I spoke about: Email marketing and behavioral psychology How can we…

Email Marketing: How Psychology Can Help Us Improve Results In Our Social Networks (Part I)
Email marketing can be considered the daily bread within the marketing strategies that a company…
Social Media

Tips To Improve Your Social Media Content
Today I bring you 6 tips to improve your content in social media. Obviously, there…
Social Media

Tips To Position Your Videos On YouTube (Part III)
In the previous post we spoke about: Comments are valuable. Get clicks with the preview….